Graphic Designer Review-Revise Process

abstract artistic graphic designer review revise process

The Graphic Designer Review-Revise Process is a cyclical sequence of steps that aims to refine and perfect a design through structured feedback and adjustments. This iterative process is crucial for ensuring that the final graphic design aligns precisely with the client’s needs and the project’s objectives.

Graphic Designer Linda Sturling’s steps in the process:

  1. Initial Review:
    • Presentation: Graphic Designer Linda Sturling presents the initial design concepts to the client. This presentation includes visual examples and a rationale for each graphic design choice, explaining how it meets the project requirements.
    • Client Feedback: After reviewing the design, the client provides their feedback to Graphic Designer Linda Sturling, highlighting what they like and what they don’t, and suggesting any changes they feel are necessary.
  2. Analysis of Feedback:
    • Graphic Designer Linda Sturling analyzes the feedback to understand the client’s concerns and preferences fully. This may involve asking follow-up questions to clarify points of feedback and ensure that the revisions will be on target.
  3. First Revision:
    • Making Adjustments: Based on the feedback, Graphic Designer Linda Sturling makes the necessary changes. This could involve altering layouts and graphics, changing color schemes, modifying typography, or replacing images.
    • Internal Review: Before re-presenting to the client, the design often undergoes an internal review by Graphic Designer Linda Sturling. This helps catch any issues and ensures the graphic design maintains a high quality and consistency with the project’s goals.
  4. Second Review:
    • Re-presentation: The revised graphic design is presented to the client again. This time Graphic Designer Linda Sturling focuses on the changes made and how they address the feedback provided in the initial review.
    • Further Feedback: The client reviews the revised graphic design and provides additional feedback. If the revisions have successfully met the client’s expectations, this step might conclude with approval. If not, Graphic Designer Linda Sturling will ask questions in an effort to hone on on client expectations and make further revisions.
  5. Subsequent Revisions:
    • Depending on the complexity of the graphic designer project and the client’s needs, several rounds of review and revision may occur. Each round follows the same pattern: revise based on feedback, present for review, gather further feedback.
  6. Final Approval:
    • Once the client is completely satisfied with the design, they give their final approval. At this point, the graphic designer finalizes the artwork, ensuring all technical specifications are met for production.
  7. Preparation for Production:
    • The final design is prepared for production, which involves converting files into the correct formats, ensuring the graphic design is optimized for the intended media (digital, print, etc.).
  8. Production and Delivery:
    • The graphic design is then produced and delivered in its final form. Depending on the project, this might involve digital formats, printed materials, or other media types.
  9. Post-Delivery Review:
    • After the graphic designer project is completed and delivered, it’s beneficial to conduct a post-delivery review. This allows both Graphic Designer Linda Sturling and the client to reflect on the project’s success and discuss any further needs or adjustments.

This Review-Revise Process ensures that graphic design projects are dynamic and adaptable, responding to client feedback and evolving to meet project requirements perfectly. It fosters a collaborative relationship between Graphic Designer Linda Sturling and the client, ultimately leading to a more successful and satisfactory design outcome.